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Many people are on unplanned work breaks due to COVID-19. Some are using the time to learn new skills for whatever comes next.

The employment landscape will be different when the sun sets on COVID-19. There are many unknowns, but what we do know is that unemployment will be high for a period; reports suggest above 11%.

Employers will be more selective about who they employ.

Having one specific skill is good, but having a diverse range of skills and knowledge makes a person an advantage to an employer. Being trained and educated in a variety of fields can be the thing that helps a person stand out.

Logistics is a broad industry. Therefore foundation training in our SkillsPack course delivers an over-arching understanding of the theory and practical knowledge required to work in the industry.

This can make someone who works in administrative planning or allocation a better employee; a more knowledgeable employee.

Understand the big picture in logistics is key. Diverse, underpinning knowledge may help you stand out from the crowd.